Installation of Self Regulating heat trace system and Skin Effect System complete glanding, termination, HV/HV Cable laying and terminations.
Fuel Storage Terminals
Installation of Electrical trace heat system, HFO Pipes Lines heat trace, storage tanks immersions heaters, 5km Heating cables, Power junction boxes,
Hazard area Control thermostat, Electrical Power Panels, termination and glanding.
Installation of Skin Effect heat trace System associated, HV/LV Transformers power Cables laying and terminations, installation of Capacitor, phase balancing transformers, Installations and terminations of HV/LV panels.
Ferromagnetic tube, skin effect system junction box and PLC base skin effect heat trace system.
HFO Storage Tank
Installation of self regulate Heating cable & Accessories, Heat Tracing distribution panel, Installation and termination of power and control cables, Installation of Skin Effect heat trace system cable and Skin Effect heating system Accessories. Testing and commissioning of full heat trace package for plant.
Chemical SKID EHT Installations
Installation of Mi, Mineral insulated Heating Cables,Power Junction Boxes,Line Thermostats , Power and Control Cables laying ,termination. Testing and Commissioning.
Insulation of Mineral Wool/ Aluminum Cladding Installations for pressure vessels.
HFO Power plant Heat Tracing
Design, Supply of complete Self regulate heat trace system for HFO plant.
Chemical Skids Heat Tracing
Installation of EHT System for Gas Vessels ,Terminations of heating cables ex area junction boxes termination and testing.
Well Head Heat Trace
Installation Of Self Regulating heating Cable and Accessories for Well Head Plant.
Well Head Pipleline
Installation Of Self Regulate Cable and Accessories For Well Head Plant.
Chemical Skid Trace Heating
Installation of self regulate heat trace cables and accessories, control panel for chemical injections skids.
Gas Plant Trace Heating
Design, Supply, Installation of self regulate heat trace system for gas compressing pant pipe lines.
Refinery Heat Tracing
Installation of Series resistance heating cables and accessories .
Installation of (Mi) Mineral insulated heating cable for HFO Vessels.
Power and Control cables laying, installation of cable tray, cable ladders
Termination of field instruments for process lines.
Gas processing Plant
Supervision, testing, Commissioning of complete Electrical heat trace system for the gas processing plant.
Bitumen Storage Plant
Installation of MI Cable and Associated Power Panels and terminations.
Installation of Self Regulating heat trace Cable and Heat trace Control panels termination and glanding.
SKID EHT Installations
Installation of Heating Cables, Power Junction Boxes, Line Thermostats , Power and Control Cables laying ,termination.
Testing and Commissioning.
Installation of rock wool Insulation / Aluminum cladding for piping.
Chemical Storage terminal
Installation. Testing, commissioning, of self regulate and series resistance heat trace cables and heat trace control panel with associated accessories, RTD, controllers and Junction Box,
Heat trace Power and control cable laying terminations and Connection.