Self regulating Electrical heat trace cable ElSR-N for KWP HDPE Pipe

admin | August 21, 2022

Self Regulating Electrical Heat trace cable: Since the thermal resistance of HDPE & PPR Pipes is significant , the heat trace cable selection for plastic HDPE PPR pipes must be considered carefully. Particular care must be taken when calculating The heat loss for  large diameter plastic Hdpe pipe. In some cases, it may be necessary … Continue reading Self regulating Electrical heat trace cable ElSR-N for KWP HDPE Pipe

heat trace cable

admin | August 21, 2022
WHAT IS HEAT TRACE SYSTEM? Heat trace is a system used to maintain the temperature of pipes and vessels. Electrical Trace heating takes the form of an electrical heating element run in physical contact along the length of a pipe. The pipe is usually covered with thermal insulation to retain heat losses from the pipe. Heat generated by the … Continue reading heat trace cable